Learn the System of the American Sound

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About Me

Your Coach

Josh Lewis

Learn how to HEAR THE LANGUAGE LIKE A NATIVE SPEAKER, to be able to guide yourself & speak with a Clear & Natural Amerian Sound!

Best Courses

Featured Items

1:1 Live Class

Duration : 45 MIN+ Homework & Feedback Video

$ 55

Single Lesson, Includes Homework & Feedback Video

1:1 Live Class (Weekly)

4 Classes on weekly frequency for 45 MIN+ Homework & Feedback Video

$ 200

4 Live Lessons, Includes Homework & Feedback Video for Each Lesson

Accent Evolution

For students looking to guide themselves on their pronunciation journey!

$ 60

You´ll get an overview of your strengths and weaknesses, so that you can know which direction to head in to reach your goal!

Why wait another day?

Clear and Natural American Sound

My program provides a system of framework to build your skills around, and teach yourself how the American Sound works

Speak Confidently

Building confidence is crucial for effective communication. My program teaches you how to tell if you´re speaking clear American English

Boost Up your English

With technology these days everyone can write well in English, take your communication skills to the next level, and separate yourself from the crowd with your clear & natural American sound

Speak English like a Native with Boost Up English

Unlock your true potential and speak English with confidence. My goal is to help you master a Clear & Natural American sound, so you can communicate effectively in any situation. Join Boost Up English today and take your speaking skills to new heights.

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